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- War, Drama
- Vladas Bagdonas
- Countries - Soviet Union
- 9 / 10 Stars
- 1985
The film's title derives from Chapter 6 of The Apocalypse of John, in which "Come and see" is said in the first, third, fifth, and seventh verses[Rev 6:1, 3, 5, 7] as an invitation to look upon the destruction caused by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Chapter 6, verses 7–8 [Rev 6:7-8] have been cited as being particularly relevant to the film: Plot In 1943 two Belarusian boys are digging in a sand field looking for abandoned rifles in order to join the Soviet partisan forces. Yustin, an old man, warns them not to dig (using sarcasm and reverse psychology. One of the boys, Flyora (Aleksei Kravchenko) finds an SVT-40 rifle. The next day partisans arrive at his house and take Flyora with them, to the dismay of Flyora's mother. She fears that the loss of her son, like his father before him, will lessen her and her daughters' chances of survival. The partisans converge in a forest and prepare to confront the Germans. Flyora joins their forces as a low-rank militiaman and is ordered to do all the labor in the detachment. When the partisans are ready to move on, their commander, Kosach (played by Liubomiras Lauciavicius and dubbed by Valeriy Kravchenko) orders Flyora to remain behind at the camp in reserve and exchange boots with one of his fellows. Bitterly disappointed, Flyora walks into the forest weeping and comes across someone else who has been left behind – Glafira (or Glasha, played by Olga Mironova) a beautiful girl infatuated with Kosach. The girl becomes delusional and confuses Flyora with Kosach and kisses him. Suddenly, German airplanes appear and begin to drop German parachutists, and the camp comes under heavy artillery fire causing Flyora to go deaf. After hiding in the forest, the two return to Flyora's home village. His house is empty but his sisters' dolls are lined up on the floor and the place is overrun by flies. They find a still-warm dinner in the oven and try to eat, but Glasha vomits seeing the flies and dolls. Denying that his family was killed, Flyora believes that his family must be hiding on a nearby island across a bog. As they run from the village, Glasha turns and sees a huge pile of bodies stacked behind Flyora's house, but is unable to tell Flyora of it. Unable to accept that his family is dead, Flyora becomes hysterical as he and Glasha painstakingly wade through the bog. At the island they meet a resistance fighter, Roubej (played by Vladas Bagdonas. Glasha tells Roubej that Flyora is mad. Roubej takes the pair to a large number of other villagers who have fled the Germans. Flyora sees Yustin, who had been doused in petrol and burnt by the Germans, and accepts that his family did not survive. Roubej takes Flyora and two others to find food, leaving Glasha to care for the rest of the villagers. They run into SS activity and the food stored is too well-defended to be raided. Flyora unknowingly leads the group through a minefield in which two of the companions are killed. A German plane drops empty liquor bottles. At dusk, Roubej and Flyora sneak up to an occupied town and manage to steal a cow from a German-collaborating farmer, but as they flee across the fields, they are shot at. Both Roubej and the cow are killed. The next morning, Flyora, unable to move the dead cow, finds a horse and cart. He attempts to take the horse at the dismay of the owner who stops Flyora. They hear the sound of approaching German soldiers. The farmer helps Flyora hide his partisan jacket and rifle in the field, and takes him to his village of Perekhody, where they hurriedly discuss a fake identity for him. A German Einsatzkommando unit moves into the village, first surrounding the village. While Flyora is introduced to much of the farmer's family, a German officer comes inside of the house and the civilians give him food and water to eat. A collaborator also comes in the house and begins checking for anything valuable to take. Flyora starts walking outside of the house, but before he can step completely out, he is pushed down by a German soldier, much to the amusement of the other soldiers. The whole village is being herded by the German soldiers and Flyora attempts to warn everyone of their oncoming death, but is caught by another collaborator with a swastika drawn helmet and forced to run around in circles with the other men of the village. At first, the women and children are made to show their papers to the Germans, but then everyone is forced into the Village Church. An Obersturmführer (played by Juri Lumiste) announces to the terrified people, those without children can leave. Everyone inside the church calls the Germans, Beasts. Flyora takes up the offer and climbs out of the church, only to be handled by a German sergeant and shown to the Sturmbannführer, the commanding officer of the German unit. He is then thrown down and Flyora watches as a woman and her child get climb out of the church. She is grabbed by German soldiers and her child is thrown back into the church, the woman being dragged by her hair by a Collaborator and then is made to stay too. Around the whole village, drunk Germans and Collaborators laugh and listen to music, many finding ways to entertain themselves. Grenades are then hurled into the church as a truck playing music parks near the other German vehicles. Molotov cocktails are then thrown at the church while a collaborator inside of the top of the church escapes out. All the soldiers clap and laugh as the people inside burn to death. The soldiers then start firing at the church. Flamethrowers ignite the church more and music keeps playing to the sounds of the people dying inside the church. The Collaborators use most of the people that got out to herd the animals and Flyora is used in a picture, A German officer points a gun to his head while they pose for a picture. The officer does not kill him and leaves him to die. The woman who was dragged by the hair is thrown into a moving truck and presumably gang raped by the soldiers in the truck. The soldiers leave the burning village and carry an old woman outside to watch them as they leave, torches in many of the soldier's hands and music can still be heard playing as they drive away from the inferno. Flyora lies face down on the ground and is kicked by a motorcycle riding German soldier. Flyora wanders out of the village, where he sees that the partisan soldiers have ambushed the Germans as they fled from the burning village. He then goes to recover his rifle and jacket from the field where he had hid them earlier. As he turns to leave, Flyora comes across a woman with a strong resemblance to Glasha who has been horrifically raped and is in a fugue state; it is unclear if this is indeed Glasha or Flyora imagining the woman who escaped from the church as her. Flyora returns to the destroyed village and finds that his fellow partisans have captured eleven of the attackers and the Byelorussian collaborators, including the collaborator with the swastika helmet and the German SS commander. The main collaborator (played by Yevgeni Tilicheyev) the same on who dragged the woman by the hair and carried out the old woman, insisting that they are not to blame for the slaughter, translates the words of the German commander (played by Viktor Lorents) who claims to be a good man and a doting grandfather. The Obersturmführer is disgusted and angered by his commander's cowardice, and tells his captors that they, as an inferior race and communist sympathizers, will eventually be exterminated. The main collaborator tells that the Germans forced them to take part in the massacre. Kosach says the collaborators must pay, but not before the Germans. The collaborators, except the soldier with the swastika helmet, douse the Germans with the can of petrol Flyora brought, but the crowd, disgusted by the sight, shoot them all down before they can be set on fire, ending their lives relatively painlessly. As the partisans leave, Flyora notices a framed portrait of Adolf Hitler in a puddle and shoots it - the first time he has actually used his rifle. After each shot, there is a sequence of montages that play in reverse and regress in time, depicting the rise of Hitler and the Third Reich backwards from corpses at a concentration camp to images of Hitler as a schoolboy; and finally a picture of the infant Adolf in his mother's lap. Flyora shoots at each of the images – yet he cannot bring himself to fire at the still shot of baby Hitler. A title card states that "628 villages in Byelorussia were burnt to the ground with all their inhabitants. " In the film's final scene, Flyora catches up with and blends in with his partisan comrades marching through the woods, away into the dark of the trees.
Idi i smotri watch full video. Idi i smotri watch full free. Idi i smotri watch full fight. Idi i smotri watch full episodes. A painful and haunting film set in Belarus in 1943, which opens with an old man's mystical declaration of impending doom, followed by a brief interlude of innocence between a young 12 year old boy and a young girl, but after a glimpse of a German bomber flying overhead, something like an angel of death, bombs drop, the earth explodes, the young boy loses his hearing and then bears witness to the horror of war.
. Some of the imagery feels dreamlike or like a horrible hallucination, like the slowly evolving scene where he and the girl fight their way through a muddy swamp which nearly engulfs them, the horror of seeing herded, starving people, his neighbors, with nowhere to go, seen almost as corpses or ghosts in a fog, he wanders the countryside in search of food, and finds a cow, but it gets killed in the crossfire of stray bullets that appear as laser beams across an open field, he discovers one house with all the neighboring people huddled inside, a horrible scene of terror made even more horrible by the arrival of the Nazi's who round up all the people in the countryside, herd them into a church, lock then inside, and then burn them alive, while they feast and get drunk, even take photographs, like it's a festive occasion, the season of the sadists. However, this film was produced to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Russian triumph over the Nazi's, but in 1943, the Nazi's burned 628 Belarussian villages to the ground, slaughtering all the inhabitants, literally trying to wipe these Russian people off the face of the earth. It was impossible to view this film in 2001 and not think of the recent Serbian excursion into Kosovo. Despite all efforts to teach and remember and learn, history repeats itself.
. While the last hour of the film is truly mesmerizing and is a great cinematic exhibition,I believe it is more graphic than profound. Did we really need the large, expressionist facial close-ups to represent the horror? The images were powerful enough, the over-acting only diminished our emotional connection to the screen. While intense, I believe it lacks the inner complexity of an even greater Russian film. The Ascent. filmed in 1976 by this director's wife, Larisa Shepitko, which examines not just the graphic outer horrors, but she finds truly inspiring images that reflect the absolute insanity taking place inside these human beings; the ending of that film is simply awe-inspiring.
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İkinci Dünya Savaşı'nın en karanlık dönemlerinden birinde, Alman işgali altındaki küçük bir Belarus kasabasındayız. Naziler tüm yahudi köyleri yerle bir edip yerli halkı acımasızca katlederken 13 yaşındaki Florya sahip olduğu tek şeyi, annesini bırakıp Sovyet partizanların güçlerine katılır. Partizanlar Almanlar'a karşı savaşmaya gittiklerinde küçük Florya, Glascha isimli bir kızla arkadaş olur. Bu sevimli dostluk esnasında Florya kendi köyünün adım adım yok oluşuna şahit olur. Savaş bir kez daha acımasızlığını kanıtlayıp insan hayatının ne derece ucuz olduğunu su yüzüne çıkarırken, suçsuz siviller bir kez daha hiç uğruna kaybeden tarafta olurlar. Idi i Smotri (Come and See. Gel ve Gör, mutlaka izlenmesi gereken bir Sovyetler Birliği filmi.
I recently got the chance to see Elem Klimov's 1985 Soviet film, Come and See. I am pretty knowledgeable when it comes to cinema and had heard from many of my other friends who love film that this was a great intense movie and how it was probably one of the best war films of all time, so I took the time to watch it. After having seen it twice in two days. I must say that this is one of the worst films I have ever seen. There is little to nothing positive that I can say about this film. After watching it the first time, I read some reviews of the film, and it is critically acclaimed and also acclaimed by audiences as well. So the next day I watched it again to see if it was just an initial reaction. After the second viewing, I can confidently say that it would probably be more humane if I castrated and slowly killed my mortal enemy than forcing them to watch the film. I can understand on some level why in 1985 it was well received, but even in the context of when it came out, I feel that this film is terrible. I hate almost every aspect of this film, that I can think of such as: characters- at some point, I began to hope that a stray bullet or mortar would kill Flora. I can not name one character that I did not hate much less like. Amon Göth in the film Schindler's List is more likable than Flora, and Amon Göth who was masterfully portrayed by Ralph Fiennes, is one of the most detestable characters I have ever seen in a film. The cinematography, is atrocious. The colours were bland and flat. and the camera work really cheapened the film. It looked like a home video made in the late 90s. Characters would stare straight at the camera while their faces were zoomed in on but only took up the center part of the screen, which was made worse because the cameras could not keep the camera steady. The cinematography also really cheapened the actors as it made already iffy performances worse. My aversion to this film may stem from the fact that I have been spoiled by newer films that were able to create tension and uncertainty better. One of the main things people told me about this film was that it was one of the most intense films they have seen. I was bored. The Iranian film, A Separation was infinitely more intense and had me sweating and it was a a story about an Iranian couple and the husband's life as he takes care of his daughter and father who has Alzheimer's. One can obviously see the impact Elem Klimov had on Steve Spielberg's Schindler's List, but Spielberg's film is a success because it is able to create tension by making the viewer worry about characters because he made them likable and therefore you fear for their safety. Spielberg also created unbearable tension by dangling hope in front of you. there are many times in the 1993 film when you didn't know if a scene would go one way or the other. I had to shield my eyes with my hands as if I was in horror film when the Nazi's gun continued to jam. In all the ways Spielberg was able to get the audience to connect with characters, and present hope without sacrificing the horrors of the Germany's war crimes, Elem Klimov seems to fail at. This is a terrible film, but I am in the vast minority. Did I miss something huge that I should have picked up on? I can't see why modern audiences would consider this a good film, especially when compared to many previous soviet WWII films and newer films. Some tell me where I am wrong and why, please. Or this could the Seinfeld case where Elaine hate The English Patient, despite it being critically acclaimed. Maybe Come and See is my English Patient.
Regarder en HD Télécharger en HD Lecteur 1 Lecteur 2 Lecteur 3 [ Telecharger] B. Annonce Durée: 2h20min Pays: U. R. S. S. Sorti en: 1985 Par: Elem Klimov. Avec: Aleksei Kravchenko, Olga Mironova, Luibomiras Laucevitchuis Synopsis: Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Fliora, jeune garcon d'un village de Bielorussie occupe par les troupes nazies, s'engage, bien que trop jeune, chez les partisans. Il va decouvrir l'amour, la fraternite, la souffrance, la guerre. Grand prix du festival de Moscou juillet 1985. Film Requiem pour un massacre (Idi i smotri) Stream Complet Gratuit.
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